Defz solid performance by everyone. I won't lie, I eagerly await Egoraptor's bit ;D
The production value on my short was inconsistent with the rest of the collab, and there's no mistaking it stunk with most viewers. Hell, I'm very surprised I made it on there in the first place; no dicks, no yelling, bad puns! It wasn't a homerun joke, and I'd like to stay candid about the whole thing. Three days with four to five hours each, AFTER the deadline.
I'm pretty impressed with what I accomplished, and lemme tell ya, actually having my U shaped mouth snake in the scene selection is a fuzzy feeling. The guys who hang around here showcasing their stuff on the front page, those guys got it already. They're gracious to you guys, humble and impressive. You give em fives, they churn out the good shit. most of you guys would like that, some of you dream about it. I'm very pleased to say I'm among the masses who cast their souls to purgatory, rape and defilement foreboding, and got a cut of the action for it. I'd like to have something a lot better cooked up for you by the end of the year.
DIdja guys really have to run it after Mindchambers? Naaah, Just fucking with you. Pce